Adult former victims of child abuse and neglect...
Racial and ethnic minorities
Children and adults with disabilities
Members of other underserved or underrepresente...
Homeless families and those at-risk of homeless...
Other (detail in narrative)
Texas Total Funding for Evidence-Based Programs
Texas State Lead Agency Structure
Child Welfare Agency
Children's Trust Fund
Child Welfare
Title IV-B of the Social Security Act provides funds for programs directed toward keeping families together.
Head Start, Early Head Start
Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems
Public Health/ACEs
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are an indicator of long-term health and opportunity for children.
Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) is a periodic review of state child welfare systems by the Children’s Bureau and the Program Improvement Plan (PIP) is the plan to address areas in the child welfare services that need improvement.
Strengthening Families
Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program facilitates collaboration and partnership at the federal, state, and community levels to improve the health of at-risk children through evidence-based home visiting programs.
Other (detail in narrative)
Total individuals reached via public awareness in Texas
American Rescue Plan Categories
Develop public awareness
Enhance work in reducing racial and economic disparities
Evaluate program services
Expand Family Resource Centers
Increase number EB/EI prevention programs
Provide concrete supports
Provide support to underserved communities (i.e., LGBTQ+, communities of...
Strengthen parent leadership and family engagement